Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sick Toddlers Part Deux

Ironically right after I wrote that I went to nanny & started seeing black spots & almost passed out...I pretty much scared Spencer (the boy I am nannying) half to death because I really thought I was going to pass out...I told him if I was unconscious that everything was ok & to call 911 & just tell them I was prego...ok I mean I had to say something he's barely 7 (his birthday was yesterday) & it was just the 2 of us. Anyways I got home & started feeling achy & awful & then my temperature sky-rocked was 100.6 so only .4 away from hospital visiting & I was up all night because my body hurt so bad. Anyways, That's the 2nd time in 3 weeks I have had a high fever & been so sick I had to miss work...Reminder: the job I started less than 4 weeks ago. I am so frustrated with these kids parents...this is not good for me or safe for the baby...I am not really sure what to do...

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