Monday, January 4, 2010

The Christmas Whirlwind!

So I am really bummed because my camera filled up Christmas morning so I don't have a ton of pictures, thank goodness Renee and my mom had theirs! The Woods' were in town for Payton's first Christmas, it was so fun, obviously I mean it's Christmas after all! The week started off at Snowflake Lane with the Finley's, we thought it was a parade, turns out that's only the day after Thanksgiving, it's ok though we still had fun! Christmas Eve morning started off with a bang (for me anyway) I woke up and watched Holiday Inn (because I didn't have time before that and it is of course my favorite movie), if you haven't seen it, rent it next year it's incredible! Then we spent the day preparing for the Christmas Eve craziness, it's my favorite night of the year! We started off at Eastlake which was good but not as Christmassy as I had hoped but, I'll be alright...I had so much fun, I love spending time with my hubby he's amazing and especially Lil' P's first Christmas! I am already so sad that it's over, I can't wait for next Christmas!

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