Well, he's here! Hudson Leon Woods made his debut on September 30, 2010 at 8:07pm. He was 7lbs. 8oz. and 19.3in. He has blonde hair, dimples and the longest fingers & toes :) He's a total sweetheart & we are in love with him!
So I knew it was coming but I didn't realize it was finished. The Betsey Johnson designed Eloise suite at the Plaza Hotel in New York is complete. Not that Payton will care for at least 5 years but my mom & I have already agreed that we will take her before she's too old {Besides, let's be honest, I am desperate to go too!} Though it's not cheap it's a once in a lifetime type of thing, they also do a special Eloise tea. Incredible. {Even Austin agreed, that's impressive, have you seen all that pink?!}
Sorry Folks, I haven't updated the blog in a LONNNNGGGG time! So I case you didn't know, we're having another baby! Yep, they'll be 15 months apart, we might go insane but it'll be fun! We find out next month what we're having and I can't wait! Austin is graduating one month from yesterday & starting work in June! Fun FUN FUN! I am going to put up a picture of the nugget, who might hate me because it does not like it when I feel good! :) hehe
So Little P {yes, I realize she has like 20 nicknames} is growing up! She seems like such a big girl lately. She finally rolled from her back to her stomach, several times; she's sitting up like a pro, eating big-girl food, waving and moving her arms when she hears music. I think she's finally starting to be a little girl & it's so much fun for us! I just thought I would send out a quick update.
Well, we are back from paradise...it's always nice to be back from vacation but it sure was hard to leave! We had so much fun in Maui, I tried opakapaka {Hawaiian fish} it was delish! Austin & Brady hiked Haleakala & Payton went in the pool & the ocean for the first time! All were amazing firsts! We had perfect weather the entire trip, God is good! We stayed in Wailea which was a nice change, we usually stay in Ka'anapali which I also love but it was fun to stay somewhere new! I can't wait to go back, though it will probably be years, we had the time of our lives!
So I did a little photo shoot today, I never got around to Christmas cards so I am sending Valentine Cards! They are too cute so I MUST put them online :) I have to say, I am usually super depressed after Christmas but there's so much to look forward to this year, Maui, Valentine's Day, Austin's graduation (seeing Andrea), Payton's 1st birthday, hopefully a house; that it's not so bad, also I am LOVING the pink & red with a little girl {what? You thought I wouldn't?!} Happy Early Valentine's Day XOXO
I just wanted to acknowledge that Payton Grace is 6 months old! We went to her check up on New Years Eve, she's a big girl! She's grown almost 10 inches since she was born putting her ABOVE the 97% (which is as far as they track)! We spent her actual 6 month birthday by going for a walk and eating croissants at the French Bakery in Kirkland, YUMMERS!
So I am really bummed because my camera filled up Christmas morning so I don't have a ton of pictures, thank goodness Renee and my mom had theirs! The Woods' were in town for Payton's first Christmas, it was so fun, obviously I mean it's Christmas after all! The week started off at Snowflake Lane with the Finley's, we thought it was a parade, turns out that's only the day after Thanksgiving, it's ok though we still had fun! Christmas Eve morning started off with a bang (for me anyway) I woke up and watched Holiday Inn (because I didn't have time before that and it is of course my favorite movie), if you haven't seen it, rent it next year it's incredible! Then we spent the day preparing for the Christmas Eve craziness, it's my favorite night of the year! We started off at Eastlake which was good but not as Christmassy as I had hoped but, I'll be alright...I had so much fun, I love spending time with my hubby he's amazing and especially Lil' P's first Christmas! I am already so sad that it's over, I can't wait for next Christmas!
I am a scatterbrained mom living in a Seattle suburb with my wonderful husband of 9 years, our daughter Payton Grace {5}, and Hudson Leon {3}. I love Jesus, my church, our friends and family. I love to cook healthy {mostly}, learning to bake Gluten Free and grain free, entertain, Clean, exercise, Explore the City, drink tea, and watch tv {Especially Friends reruns}. But mostly, I am just trying to keep everything together. This is my {food} diary. A couple of new things: 1) I am gluten free and dairy free 2) I don't like to spend a ton of money on food but I do buy almost everything organic, you should too especially meat, there's a big flavor difference not to mention health benefits. On the same subject I rarely buy anything 'processed' I prefer to make things from scratch, it's not as intimidating or as difficult as it sounds 3) I like to cook quick healthy meals, I am a mom after all and I want to keep not only my family healthy but me too, I cannot be a good mom if I am eating crap and not exercising! Ok, read on...
**Disclaimer: I am NOT witty, if you want WIT, find another blog**