Well, he's here! Hudson Leon Woods made his debut on September 30, 2010 at 8:07pm. He was 7lbs. 8oz. and 19.3in. He has blonde hair, dimples and the longest fingers & toes :) He's a total sweetheart & we are in love with him!
I am a scatterbrained mom living in a Seattle suburb with my wonderful husband of 9 years, our daughter Payton Grace {5}, and Hudson Leon {3}. I love Jesus, my church, our friends and family. I love to cook healthy {mostly}, learning to bake Gluten Free and grain free, entertain, Clean, exercise, Explore the City, drink tea, and watch tv {Especially Friends reruns}. But mostly, I am just trying to keep everything together. This is my {food} diary. A couple of new things: 1) I am gluten free and dairy free 2) I don't like to spend a ton of money on food but I do buy almost everything organic, you should too especially meat, there's a big flavor difference not to mention health benefits. On the same subject I rarely buy anything 'processed' I prefer to make things from scratch, it's not as intimidating or as difficult as it sounds 3) I like to cook quick healthy meals, I am a mom after all and I want to keep not only my family healthy but me too, I cannot be a good mom if I am eating crap and not exercising! Ok, read on...
**Disclaimer: I am NOT witty, if you want WIT, find another blog**