Payton got to meet Santa for the the first time but no such luck sitting on his lap...that H1N1 freaks me out! I LOVE Molbaks so much!! Kel & I make cookies with the moms every year, here we are in our festive aprons :)
We got our tree about a week ago & I made Payton a Christmas tutu, it was too big to tie the ribbon around like I planned and she didn't like wearing it so we got the best pictures we could before she lost it. Our cutie little tree is just her size! I will try & get some more but it just might not happen!
Yesterday we let Payton have a little bit of rice cereal for the first time, we also got to try out the high chair! She did pretty well, she seemed a little weirded out by the whole thing but she was trying to 'chew' sort of! It was cute though she seemed to really like sitting at the table with us, we are going to try again tonight! I am really excited to start making her real food myself but for now formula & organic whole grain rice cereal it is, yummy! Here are the pix!
I am a scatterbrained mom living in a Seattle suburb with my wonderful husband of 9 years, our daughter Payton Grace {5}, and Hudson Leon {3}. I love Jesus, my church, our friends and family. I love to cook healthy {mostly}, learning to bake Gluten Free and grain free, entertain, Clean, exercise, Explore the City, drink tea, and watch tv {Especially Friends reruns}. But mostly, I am just trying to keep everything together. This is my {food} diary. A couple of new things: 1) I am gluten free and dairy free 2) I don't like to spend a ton of money on food but I do buy almost everything organic, you should too especially meat, there's a big flavor difference not to mention health benefits. On the same subject I rarely buy anything 'processed' I prefer to make things from scratch, it's not as intimidating or as difficult as it sounds 3) I like to cook quick healthy meals, I am a mom after all and I want to keep not only my family healthy but me too, I cannot be a good mom if I am eating crap and not exercising! Ok, read on...
**Disclaimer: I am NOT witty, if you want WIT, find another blog**